Standardized testing—it’s controversial to say the least. Students, teachers, parents, online tutors, administrators, and the entire academic community have an opinion of standardized testing.
(We’d love to get your opinion on this, too!)
Ever since the No Child Left Behind Act, the practice of standardized testing has been divisive. After all, students—especially young children—all learn in different ways, and one test can’t necessarily be the measuring stick for academic progress and teaching performance.
The question at hand: should standardized testing be optional?
While SeeMyTutor sees both benefits and pitfalls of standardized testing, we’d like to give our brief thoughts on the pluses and minuses of the practice.
Standardized testing provides a common foundation.
With a common core focus, students all work toward the same ends. That idea is a pro in and of itself, but there’s a con to go alongside it. The problem with the common foundation is that students learn in different ways and have varying strengths and weaknesses.
There are many things to discuss on this matter, so weigh in here.
Standardized testing creates teamwork.
Teamwork among teachers and parents and students. That’s definitely a win-win. When there exists a more cohesive classroom environment where all stakeholders play on the same team, it works out better for everyone involved.
Standardized testing enables teamwork because everyone is on the same page. In other words, there is a common goal.
The problem is that not all students should share the same goal…or do they need to?
Standardized testing limits teacher’s freedom.
Many educators have admonished standardized testing because it limits them on the subjects they can teach in the classroom. On the one hand, it’s important for teachers to develop their own curriculum and set their own rubric.
On the other hand, it’s advantageous to level the playing field for all students.
Therein lies another caveat—can students ever be on a level playing field? After all, there are always varying interests and talents in a student body.
Tell us your thoughts!